Hearing Aid Fitting Procedure

If a recommendation for a hearing aid is made after the examination and initial hearing tests, and if the patient accepts this recommendation, the following is done: 
  1. A Hearing Aid Selection appointment is scheduled, to allow for in-depth counseling regarding the patient's hearing loss, hearing needs, and what might reasonably be expected from wearing hearing aids. The counseling and testing is performed by a licensed audiologist who holds an upper level degree in Audiology (the science of hearing). Determing the most appropiate style and features will be done at this time, as not every hearing loss is compatible to all hearing aids. Note: A full hearing examination and doctor's evaluation must be completed no more than 6 months prior to hearing aids selection. 
  2. An Ear Impression is made of the ear to be used for making the custom fit hearing aid or earmold when necessary. 
  3. A Hearing Aid Orientation and Fitting appointment is scheduled to program the hearing aids for maximum benefit and instruct the patient on proper operation and and care of the hearing aids.
  4. The Self-Evaluation (30 Day Trial) Period begins following the hearing aid orientation and fitting. The patient may wear the aids for thirty days and determine the amount of benefit they receive. Regardless of results obtained during the evaluation and orientation, hearing help is best determined by actually using the aids on a daily basis, as each individual responds differently to hearing aids.
  5. A Follow-Up Hearing Aid Check will be scheduled at the end of the thirty-day self-evaluation. At this time the patient will be seen by the audiologist to discuss the benefit and/or difficulties experienced. If the patient is unsatisfied with the hearing aids, and further adjustments do not help, the aids must be returned at this time. A further follow-up check will be scheduled for 6 months. Patients are always encouraged to call with any needs regarding hearing aid performance. 

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