Hearing Aids

Every Hearing Loss Is Different

Selecting and fitting hearing aids involves both art and science. The art is our years of experience in assessing each patient's needs and addressing his or her concerns. The science is the vastly improved new hearing aid technology. We offer hearing aids in every style and price range, from basic technology to the most advanced digital systems. 

Anniston ENT dispenses hearing aids as part of our otorlaryngolic practice. We provide a professional evaluation of hearing aids at a reasonable cost to our patients. 

The recommendation to consider a hearing aid is the culmination of a process which involves thorough medical evaluation by an otolaryngologist trained in the treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders and a complete hearing evaluation by a clinical audiologist trained in the evaluation and rehabilitation of hearing impaired persons. 

At no time during the discussion of a possible hearing aid fitting will there be any attempt to convince any patient to wear hearing aids, or to direct where they may be purchased. We are here to provide all possible help to enhance the hearing of our patients, but the decision to wear hearing aids must be made by the patient on a voluntary basis; otherwise, success will be limited. 

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